Sunday, October 16, 2005

Michelin: Final Round

Now that the tournament is over I can safely say: Yay for Jim Furyk for doing so well! I wish he hadn't bungled that last playoff hole, but in the grand scheme of life, Wes Short Jr needed the win more. So, I think this proves that I do have a jinx-ability when it comes to Jim Furyk. I was mum for this whole tournament and he almost won. I will have to check out the stats and the money list to see where everyone ended up. Hopefully I can do this before I lose phone service. Mom and Dad have moved and they are going to be taking their computer, phone, internet connection and satellite dish with them. It will be like 1980 around here for a week or two until I get everything back. I'm thinking of getting the 180 channel package from my satellite dish provider. I would get the Golf Channel and a few more history/discovery channel options.

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