Monday, May 14, 2007

Tennis Overload

Since I'm off all week for puppy pad training, I had the tv on the Tennis Channel today. The tennis itself wasn't bad, it was the fans chanting "let's go (insert player's name), let's go". They chanted this all the time for something like 6 hours. It was driving me nuts by 3pm so I watched Ellen and then turned the tv over to the Martha Stewart show. Stayed away from the golf channel until 6pm when they had Brett Quigley on doing yoga. I wanted to hear what other people had to say about the whole Cliff Kresge-Sergio Garcia thing so I waited around for Golf Central. Unfortunately, all I've heard are announcers reporting that Sergio was within the rules, I heard parts of Sergio's press conference, and I heard Kresge's damage control statement released by his agent. What I wanted to hear was Frank Hannigan explaining the rule.

Where do I come down on the controversy? If you're a newbie (like Kresge), your best way to address something like that is "Hey Sergio, I'm not completely up on the rule. Would you mind if we call a rules official so he can explain it to me?" You're less likely to offend people that way. Plus, if there's one thing I've learned about the rules of golf, it's that no one really knows what they are.

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