Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A News Story about Paul Azinger

Click: Azinger puts hectic schedule aside to allow more time, focus for PGA

Here's an excerpt:

After strolling around Disney's Palm Course on Thursday with a gallery that could have fit in a Volkswagen, Azinger must have wondered how long the Tour can ride the crest of Tigermania.

"Our attendance is so down, it's a joke," Azinger said. "The only reason our (television) ratings are flat is because Tiger drives the ratings so far above what they've ever been (when he competes).

"(Tour officials) will say 'Well, the Tour is in great shape because we're playing for so much money.' But they are going to The Golf Channel, which is as narrowly focused an audience as you're ever going to get.

"That's not a shot at The Golf Channel - they do a terrific job. But every single bar in America that has a television is sitting on ESPN, not The Golf Channel. When golf comes on (ESPN), the players benefit, and so do the sponsors."

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