Thursday, March 22, 2007

You know I heard the PGA Tour had a line of wine, but it now looks like they have their own special brand of whine as well.

They played some comments from Shaun Micheel tonight on the Sprint Post Game Show that addressed limited field events. He seemed very upset, almost whining, that he didn't get in to the WGC event when players from Asia did.

Here's my take on it: It's a WORLD Golf Championships event. NOT a PGA tour event. It's only right that select players from around the world are allowed to compete. It encourages world-wide competition and opens the doors to players on the other tours to see what the American PGA tour is like.

If Shaun Micheel wanted in to the WGC event, maybe he should have won something like Yang did when Yang beat Tiger Woods in Asia.

It sounded to me like some people were thinking that things like entry into the WGC event should be handed to them just because of what tour they play. I've thought for a while that the US tour is very pretentious and snobbish, but attitudes like this one make it more than just appear that way.

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