Friday, April 07, 2006

Second Round

I missed a lot of the round and coverage today. While I did have half a day off from work, I spent it with Mom and Dad and they don't get the golf channel. I did, however, catch a proposal of marriage by Lucas to Carrie on Days of Our Lives and some little kid has a high fever on Passions. Mom and Dad wanted to see Phoebe.

Arron Oberholser is doing pretty well so far. Fred Couples is also doing well. Did Lanny Wadkins say anything nice about anybody? I miss Ken Venturi. Speaking of Ken Venturi, I was watching something about his US Open win on the Golf Channel this week and I wondered why there was never a major movie made about him. His career and his US Open victory is perfect for a feature film. I can even cast it: Matthew McConaughey as Ken Venturi. I'm not a big Matthew fan, but I think he would do well.

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