Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tadd Fujikawa Turns Pro

Well, aside from Tadd, I think I'm the only one who's enthusiastic about him turning pro. I think he should. Remember where Tadd comes from - when he was born, doctors didn't expect him to live. Why would he postpone his dream? Every minute of every day is precious to him and if he wants to pursue his dream then he should. Tadd undoubtedly has a sieze the day kind of spirit that reaches out to life and grabs it by the throat and shakes it likes a ragdoll. He wouldn't be happy going the boring, sensible route and graduating from high school, going to college, blah, blah. And he's young enough that if he doesn't have success of some kind in a couple of years, he can go to college if he wants to and not miss a beat. The way I see it, he has two obstacles to overcome: 1) negativity from everyone saying he's too young. 2) he will either end up never married, or married 8 times due to the fact he won't have the opportunity to find a nice wholesome girl like he would if he went to college.

I hope the media and the tour players and the fans will try to limit the negativity. If they are really worried about Tadd then they should do everything they can to support him in his decision. If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem. If they aren't going to be supportive of him, then they have to take some of the responsibility if he suffers a disastrous blow.

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