Monday, March 19, 2007

Short Putts

Lately, the tv analysts have been making a big deal out of the short putts missed by Boo Weekley and Heath Slocum in recent tournaments. They want to try to make a big news story out of this, as if it's never happened before or has never happened so frequently. I remember last fall that Loren Roberts missed a short putt to win $1 Million. They didn't keep harping on that for weeks on end. I think it's time to put the Weekley and Slocum putts to bed and move on.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Loren Roberts, the endless playoff last night between him and Tom Purtzer was pretty exciting..and didn't seem to include any terrible short puts ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. They have focused on those short ones. But how these tournaments end (which determines who wins and who loses) is always subject to intense scrutiny. It seems to be true in all sports. The missed field goal at the end. The missed free throws at the end. And so on.