Saturday, July 22, 2006

British Open 2006 So Far

Now that it's cooled down and I actually feel like sitting in front of the computer, I'm here to offer some comments about what I've seen so far:

1. Every half hour on the Live From show they have to show highlights of Tiger's round. It's on tape and I'm pretty sure his shots won't be changing, so I don't see the need of replaying it a hundred times. These Golf Channel people need paycuts if they can't be bothered to find any good stories to air and instead of just re-airing footage of Tiger.

2. Last night was a good evening for the Spaniard Watch on the Live From show - they had a feature story on Miguel Angel Jimenez. However, I have noticed that every time they feature a player, the player goes on to have a bad round. It happened to Tadd Whatshisname from Hawaii, and Kevin Tway and Jimenez.

3. Some really good rounds have been happening. Three people had 65s yesterday and Sergio had a 65 today.

4. TNT's Friday coverage - the commentators were obsessed with Sergio's group being on the clock, but apparently there were other groups who were on the clock and TNT didn't bother to talk about them.

Saturday Observations:

1. Sergio had a heck of a front 9. And he's in the final group with Tiger tomorrow. Unfortunately, Sergio sucks in the final rounds. Hopefully that will change. I would love to see him win.

2. Andres Romero is doing well this week. He qualified last week with his play at the Scottish Open.

3. They kept talking today about how Sergio complained about the weather conditions and the conditions of the course on Friday. Well, Phil Mickelson said the same thing more than once and no one's calling him a whiner. I think the media needs to try a little harder to treat everyone equally and report some fair and unbiased coverage. Plus, if five people ask someone the same question, they are going to get the same answer five times. It isn't as though Sergio was whining, he was answering the same question that three or four other people just asked him.

4. Three other people shot rounds of 65 this week but ABC had to suck up to Tiger and keep showing Tiger's round and analyzing it. If Chris Dimarco, Sergio Garcia or Ernie Els ends up winning this tournament, ABC is going to realize that it isn't always so smart to put all your eggs in one Tiger striped basket.

5. Kelly Whatshername quote: "A front nine 29 is hard to criticize so we'll put that behind us and move on to the back nine." --- Because obviously it's the role of the commentator to focus on only the bad because bad play wins tournaments. Wait, that doesn't sound right...............

6. Dumbest Question so far: Kelly Whatshername: "If Lefy had won the US Open, would he have come to the British Open and played differently?" --- I imagine winners have a confidence level in their games that losers don't have so I would think this question would not really need to have been asked.

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