Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Moving Along

My golf related romance novel is moving along. I've finished chapters 3 and 4 and will be starting chapter 5 any time now. I've even written some actual golf stuff for it. After having watched golf for a number of years and hearing the announcers say the same thing over and over again, I don't think it will be as much of a challenge as it could be for a non-golfer to write golf scenes.

I've been watching the CVS Charity event on the Golf Channel. It's nice to see these guys have some fun after playing Winged Foot. I even saw Jose Maria Olazabal and got to hear an interview. Of course, I'm a big Brad Faxon fan so I was happy to get to see this event. Brett Quigley won an SUV for a hole in one. Lucky him.

Sergio Garcia has withdrawn from the Booz Allen tournament citing a back injury as the cause. I hope he gets everything all worked out soon. He's falling in the world rankings and the Ryder Cup is coming up sooner than he thinks.

I've been thinking about the upcoming trip to the tournament in August. The way I figure it, I will be spending a WV fortune to go to this thing. I hope for all I'm spending Sergio Garcia at least sneezes on me as he walks by, even if I can't get his autograph or take pictures at the tournament.

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